1. Can I place advertising on your site?
    No – this blog is not for sale. Because I write critically about consumerism and corporate responsibility, I don’t run any adverts that I can’t control and take responsibility for. Yes, this has cost me thousands of pounds in revenue over the years. The sidebar ads that do appear are managed by me.
  2. Can I have a guest post?
    Sorry, no. The blog has always been a personal project and I write 99% of the posts. I occasionally invite others to contribute or collaborate, but I don’t run unsolicted content. It’s nothing personal – I turn down multiple offers a week as it is.
  3. Can I send review material?
    Yes, I can spread the word about good stuff. Especially books. I try and review a book a week, and this has been a useful way to support fellow authors. Please get in touch for my address. I can’t get to everything, and from past experience I am less likely to review self-published material, sorry. I also review relevant films, documentaries and occasionally exhibitions. I don’t review green products unless you’re doing something really innovative, as there are plenty of influencers that cover green lifestyle stuff better than I do.
  4. Will you come and speak at my conference/school/church/protest/book club?
    I’d love to, and in the last year I’ve spoken at primary schools, secondary schools, sixth forms and universities, several churches and a cathedral, a couple of protests and multiple conferences, including one in China that I zoomed in for at 2am. I’ve spoken about climate and racism off the back of my book, wellbeing economics, sustainable food, personal climate action, all sorts. I appreciate it if people can pay me for this, but I don’t say no to those with no budget. You can see videos of previous talks here if you want to see the kind of thing I do.
  5. Can I reproduce articles from the site?
    All my articles are published under a Creative Commons license, which means that if you want to reproduce content on your website or reprint it in a magazine, you are welcome to do so. Please credit the author and link back. Please note that this only applies to the text of articles. I try and use copyright free imagery as much as possible, but images are rarely mine to share.
  6. Are you a socialist/leftist/member of the tofu-eating wokerati?
    I have no political affiliation and am not a member of a political party. You may have categories for what I do and say, but I will not go willingly into your box. We need good ideas from everywhere right now, and right/left divisions are an unhelpful relic of an earlier time.
  7. How do I get in touch?
    Please direct all enquiries to jeremy {at} earthboundventures.org and I’ll try and get straight back to you. There’s also a form here.
  8. Do you hate rich people?
    No, there will always be rich and poor, and it’s right to reward excellence and innovation. Wealth can also be a huge power for good, when coupled with generosity. When wealth is made at someone else’s expense however, we have a problem. And unfortunately, much is. Consumer lifestyles depend on all kinds of systemic injustices, from sweatshop labour and unfair trade laws to the effects of climate change on the developing world. This isn’t any one person’s fault, but we all benefit from these injustices and we’re all responsible for fixing them.


  1. Re.No.8 ‘we all benefit from these injustices’. I know what you mean, of course, but the sentences disturbs me, because our hearts know that we cannot truly benefit from injustice to one another. I wish it could be said differently. I can think of a couple of options but it’s not mine to change.

    1. I’m afraid I disagree, sadly. If we didn’t benefit from injustice, why would anyone let it happen? We can’t deny that as a culture, we’ve benefited enormously from huge injustices – think of the wealth that was created through the slave trade, for example. That doesn’t legitimise it however. Injustice is always wrong, and we should never be complacent about ending it.

  2. Oh dear Jeremy, I’m sorry. I’ve failed to express my proper meaning. I did say that I know what you mean, even adding ‘of course’. Then I said our hearts know that we cannot ‘truly’ benefit. It’s my way of speaking spiritually. So, of course, as said, I agree with what you have said, so we are not at odds there, and your explanation is not necessary. For my part, I mean that humanity does not benefit from man’s inhumanity to man. It is false to think we benefit, in that our desired ‘gain’ is really our loss, but we constantly fail to appreciate it. So, the statement causes me pain. Sorry, I’ll keep such opinions to myself in future, or do better at expressing myself.

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